Select4Hire™ Integrity Testing Frequently Asked Questions
Here is a list of the most commonly asked questions regarding the Select4Hire™ Integrity Test.
- What is the Select4Hire™ Integrity Test?
- How are test results interpreted?
- What does a “Not Qualified” result mean?
- Why would applicants disclose these High Risk behaviors?
- Is integrity testing 100% foolproof?
- How is the Select4Hire™ Integrity Test administered?
- How long does it take?
- What about foreign applicants?
- Where should Select4Hire™ Integrity Test be used in the hiring process?
- Is integrity testing legal?
- Can the Select4Hire™ Integrity Test™ be used on current employees?
- Can applicants be screened on weekends and “after hours?”
- What are the primary benefits of the Select4Hire™ Integrity Test?
What is the Select4Hire™ Integrity Test™?
The Select4Hire™ Integrity Test™, a pre-interview employment screening tool, was developed by Industrial/Organizational psychologists at Portland State University. The Select4Hire™ Integrity Test™ represents the next evolution in the pre-employment assessment of job candidates. It identifies job applicants who are high risk in the areas of theft, substance abuse, hostility and faking and has been used by companies nationwide since 1979 to help reduce workers’ comp loss rates, avoid hiring violent or hostile employees, reduce on the job drug/alcohol abuse, reduce employee theft, reduce employee turnover, reduce negligent hiring lawsuits, reduce absenteeism and more.
How are test results interpreted?
Applicants are evaluated as either Qualified or Not Qualified. This eliminates the need to interpret each recommendation at the individual branch hiring location. However, management can review an applicant’s full recommendation and disclosures from their secure online management console at any time.
What does a “Not Qualified” result mean?
An applicant who does not qualify has either:
Admitted to current, illegal drug use, and/or
Disclosed theft behaviors during the past two years, and/or
Exhibited hostile/angry responses on the test, and/or
Tried to “fake” the test
Many applicants reveal high-risk behaviors on multiple levels. On average clients typically see an 8 to 12% not qualified rate, with some industries seeing as high as 35%.
Why would applicants disclose these High Risk behaviors?
Individuals involved in ongoing, risky behaviors (like theft and/or illegal drug use) eventually rationalize their behavior. After a while, they come to believe that there is nothing wrong with their abnormal conduct. The Select4Hire™ Integrity Test obtains a high level of honest disclosures from the applicant. In fact, over 90% of all applicants screened tell the truth about their high risk behaviors.
Is integrity testing 100% foolproof?
There is no such thing as a perfect screening tool. Our research shows that Select4Hire ™ Integrity Test™ identifies the vast majority of High Risk applicants. We will provide you with reports.
How is the Select4Hire™ Integrity Test administered?
Applicants may take the test either over the Internet via our secure applicant website or on our small, portable Data Recorders. In either case, the test is self-administered utilizing electronic formats. Applicant results can be reviewed at any time by authorized personnel via our secure online management console.
How long does it take?
Most applicants can complete the test in 12-15 minutes. Results are received immediately, thus expediting the hiring process.
What about foreign applicants?
The Select4Hire™ Integrity Test is written at a 5th grade reading level and available in 21 foreign languages. Applicants who are illiterate or blind have the option of using audio versions in either English or Spanish.
Where should the Select4Hire™ Integrity Test be used in the hiring process?
We recommend administering the test during the pre-interview process, after your Job Application Form and our short Informed Consent Form have been completed. Why spend any more time and money on confessed drug abusers, thieves, or violent individuals? Since the Select4Hire™ Integrity Test will weed out these candidates very early in the hiring process, you save valuable time and money on drug screening and pre-employment background checks.
Is integrity testing legal?
Yes. Federal and state hiring guidelines require screening tools to be either validated or non-discriminatory. The Select4Hire™ Integrity Test is both, exceeding the legal requirements. Massachusetts and Rhode Island utilize special test editions to comply with their particular state regulations. Throughout our long history, there has never been an action filed over the use of the Select4Hire™ Integrity Test.
Can the Select4Hire™ Integrity Test be used on current employees?
No. The test was developed and validated for new hires only.
Can applicants be screened on weekends and “after hours?”
Yes. Integrity testing is operational 24/7/365.
What are the primary benefits of the Select4Hire™ Integrity Test?
Companies using integrity testing increase their earnings through significant reductions in their workers’ compensation losses, reduced Short Term Disability claims, as well as decreased turnover and reduced employee theft. The high risk individuals identified by the test are the ones who come to the workplace with an “entitlement mentality.” The overall quality of the workforce is improved when high-risk job candidates are culled from the applicant pool. Overall, the Select4Hire™ Integrity Test increases productivity, morale, and profitability.