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pdp_cover1Most performance improvement strategies for sales professionals focus on skill development. As a result, the underlying root-causes of sales success often go unaddressed, resulting in modest or no sustainable performance improvement.

The hidden gaps linked to a person’s attitudes, beliefs and values that undermine their ability to achieve their full potential must be identified and addressed in order to achieve significant breakthroughs in performance improvement.

The Performance Driver Profile (PDP) is an online assessment tool that will:

  • Measure the key attitudes, beliefs, values, skills and behaviors that impact success
  • Discover the hidden performance gaps undermining the effectiveness of your sales organization
  • Pinpoint the focus of your sales force development strategy to maximize relevancy and impact
  • Determine the talents and development areas of each salesperson
  • Provide a coaching roadmap for managers
  • Identify the critical success factors of your top performers

Your company will gain:

  • Increased commitment of individual contributors to achieve higher levels of success
  • Accelerated performance improvement
  • Improved communication between managers and salespeople
  • Greater ROI from your sales force development strategies

The PDP is an online assessment that has three applications:

  • Organization Assessment: Sales managers complete one assessment on their entire team
  • Individual Assessment: Sales managers complete an assessment on each member of their team
  • Self-Assessment: Each salesperson completes a self assessment.

Depending on the application, organization, region and/or individual assessment, reports are created for each client. The reports detail the results of the assessment process and provide recommendations for action to accelerate performance improvement.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or if you are interested.

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